My interest in healing started in 1985 after a very serious car accident that resulted in a near fatal head injury and a month long hospitalization. My dissatisfaction with traditional allopathic solutions lead me to chiropractic and structural massage. These modalities saved my life. I developed a keen interest in less traditional healing and spirituality over the next 8 years.
In 1992 I found the courage to quit a very successful career in corporate America to do the Hellerwork traning and spend two seasons at Squaw Valley pursuing my other passion, extreme skiing. I came to Sonoma in 1994 to start my bodywork/massage practice and have been here ever since.
The year 2008 brought with it a string of devastating life experiences. Too many difficult things happened in short span of time. My nervous system was unable to assimilate them and my body seemed to be falling apart. All the treatments that had served me so well for over 20 years simply stopped working.
In my search for solutions I found Somatic Experiencing trauma resolution. In a pivotal session with Dr. Peter Levine the founder of S.E. I realized that this was the way out of Hell and the next step in my healing journey. Along the way I met Kathy Kain (senior advanced faculty of S.E.) and added her touch skills for trauma and developmental trauma to my studies and my practice. Thru these two related and overlapping therapies I uncovered and released some very deep, very old unconscious somatic patterns that were preventing comfort, ease and joy in my life. I literally changed the way my brain was working!!
I continue my studies in classes, sessions and assisting in trainings. It is an incredibly fascination, stimulating and rewarding journey. My goal is to assist others in finding the healing/hope/ happiness that i have found in a seemingly impossible situation.