Colleen has the ability to see and name things with clarity and kindness. I feel seen, but not exposed. I feel held, with a nice combination of containment and spaciousness in a clear, clean way, with no pressure for results. I get excellent insights as a byproduct of this working with Colleen..... Frances (70) Therapist
Colleen's sincere dedication in working with me to heal old childhood trauma blew me away. Two years later, I am still using the tools she gave me to change the way I relate to chronic pain, anxiety and depression. I was able to acknowledge the habitual addiction pattern with food and alcohol that I was engaged in and I continue to let them go gradually in a quite natural way..... Jennifer (62) Addictions Counselor.
In my sessions with Colleen we explored this ache sensation in my sternum. I got that it was significant, but it took a little while to put the pieces together. After one of the sessions I made the connection to my infant/toddler self, and I KNEW it was the longing to be picked up and held. Later that evening I had a huge release beyond anything I had ever experienced in all my years of various therapies. I can only describe it as a seismic shift, and when it was over I felt a deep peace inside. I had a mild aftershock the next day and more deep peace. This body to body therapy seems to have met the unfulfilled need from long ago and my system did a total reset. Amazing stuff!!.... Mary(66)
Colleen helped me to lessen my chronic pain more than any other modality I've tried for decades (seriously!) I came to Colleen with many pain issues. The most obvious and impactful to my daily living was 40+ years of sciatic pain. Her techniques helped me to break down my pain pattern. It's as if I held deep blocks of tension under my skin and everywhere was a bundle of nerves on fire. Colleen's gentle and purposeful techniques released a good portion of my chronic pain and I've reduced my pain med by half. She taught me skills that I continue to use to manage my pain on a daily basis. She never once touched my lower back, the worst pain region. It seems she literally "reset" my neuropathways to get out of the pain cycle my brain had held on to for so long.
Colleen also taught me techniques that I use to help myself in the resetting process. When I'm hurting, I can change my focus in a way that helps my mind and body feel better Joanne (63) Executive
Working with Colleen, I was able to access an important childhood memory of spontaneous rock climbing at about age 7. Her safe healing presence and guidance created the space for me to drop deeply into the somatic experience. I contacted a deeply embodied, felt-sense of "I can." This has translated into a sense of empowerment and optimism in handling my current challenges James (66) Psychologist
It's like my work with Colleen fixed my brain! I'm more present in my body and more healthy and balanced and I've come away with a bag of tools to help myself be stronger and pain-free..... Brian (33) Web Designer
I have been on a healing journey a very long time,traveling the world looking for answers. When I embarked on my exploration of SE therapy with Colleen I discovered a very important piece that had been overlooked in all the other therapies. What I had been questing for all along was to find a ground of safety at the core of my being. I grew up in Europe with partially Jewish parents, and now realize that I inherited my mothers fear, anxiety and lack of safety. Colleens loving touch and steady presence has helped me gently connect to and grow a ground of safety inside my own being. She has been invaluable help in cultivating a sense of wholeness that I didn't even realize was lacking. During our sessions she helps me expand this field of inner safety by paying minute attention to what feels safe and what doesn't. She also gives me tools to use in my daily life to empower me to continue the work on my own. Her work and loving guidance are of immeasurable value to me...Eve (67) Beauty therapist
Colleen is an amazing practitioner-I was having scary physical symptoms and was considering going to the ER. We did an SE session over the phone and Colleen helped me get in touch with the emotional upset under the physical symptoms. After our session I felt 80% better, and continued with the tools after I got off the phone. I got stronger and stronger every minute until I got back to myself. I received much healing and awareness about the effects of childhood trauma and how it continues to effect my life. Colleen was able to support me by providing a safe container and supporting me to find healthy new patterns and new sensations of vibrant aliveness,freedom and hope. Colleen is my go-to therapist that empowers me to heal.....Kathy (60) Occupational therapist